"Browsing facebook by using my handphone before I slept, well, it's already a habit of mine ever since no charges will be incurred by using UK phone-line. And then I saw her...whom I didn't meet for quite a long time... "
My NS buddy cum ex-housemate back in years ago. I never realised that I didn't add her in my facebook and so I added her. The next day I got the reply from her... being notified that she had just delivered a baby...
Gosh, I never knew that she is married! Somemore now already got a baby..... furthermore the baby is already 2-month-old... All I can say is "Walau eh"~
Yup, this Lala-girl used to teach me a lot knowledge... in a way to be able to "socialise" in KL life.. I tried ear-piercing because of her, I went clubbing also because of her... Yup, I really experienced a lot because of her... Kinda missing the moments we spent together last time...
Now, she's having a baby... wow wow, I still can't accept this as a truth, shocking me a lot...
Had a chit-chatting session with her via facebook moment earlier, yeah... we promised each other to meet again when I back to Malaysia..
By that time, no more rude words, no more "blow waters"..... but will be regarding all about her baby .LOL, can't wait to meet her and the little baby...
Loh Vern and her baby - Chloe Wong