Sunday, July 25, 2010

The Unachievable dream

The Unachievable dream, originally uploaded by sean14och.

Do you have dreams? Does every single of your dreams comes true?

It's undeniable that sometimes certain of your dreams might not come true, which are certainly unrealistic.

Although you've already known the outcome, which will not in favour of you. Yet, you are still putting hopes into the unrealisable dreams, hoping them to come true in one day. Ridiculously, that's human-being. Interesting and ironic....

I do have some unachievable dreams, you might tell me that "never try never know". But quite certain is that, the so called "unachievable dreams" of mine will always stay in my wonderland.

Sometimes it's really pathetic that we have to live for someone instead of yourself. You have to make your own crucial decision by referring to someone's point of view.

What for? I have no idea, but I think is because we care of others' feeling more than own feeling, to simplify it.....

How about you? Will you intensively achieve your dreams meanwhile ignoring others who are against your dreams?


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