Monday, January 2, 2012

It's a brand new start again!

The second day of 2012, hurray! Well actually I'm currently not that exciting.

You know when years go by, and when you are getting older, you start to think indifferently in a way that you prefer something simpler, something that is more to normal, or perhaps I should be low profile.

Day before the new year, I was with the one at Pavilion for our countdown, of cause we were excited about that. But come to think of that, the cheering and shouting of mine were all not coming out wholeheartedly. Perhaps it was too packed with the crowd which resulted me not really into the so-called count-down party night.

2012, I'm at the 25 already. Gosh, last time at this age, my sister was getting married and months later she delivered my eldest nephew. But me, at this age? I'm still struggling here and there, still yet to be mature enough to do crucial decisions. I guess the main reason is that I am the youngest amongst my family, which caused me to be slightly "incapable" as compared with the rest of my siblings.

Over the year of 2011, I did not achieve any big dreams of mine, everything were just normal, weren't that bad. It was somehow a crucial year of mine since I've made a crucial decision. Well I thought I would be regretting to have this kinda life at first but when time goes by, I realised that I'm wanting it so much, can't live without it anymore.... hmmm....

Nothing much to further crapping already, here is my resolutions for 2012.

  1. To be bodystep instructor (my top list currently!)

  2. To get a better pay and desirable job

  3. Learn Japanese

  4. Buy a house in PJ area

  5. Further study Master Degree

  6. To improve my photography skill

  7. To gain weight to at least 65kg

  8. To be more muscular

  9. Knowing more good faithfully friends

  10. Always make good and correct decisions

Alright, I don't hope come true.... just let them come naturally lah~ :)

Happy New Year to all once again!!!

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