Monday, June 7, 2010

Typhoon In Guar Chempedak

If I'm not mistaken, I fell asleep for just about one and half hour. Then, I was awaken and bothered the sound of the heavy rain. This was continued by the sound where something was collapsing.

The first thing that came into my mind, oh gosh... the puppies. I quickly ran to downstairs and open the door. Oh holy shit, the scene was extremely terrifying. Picture this, the branches of the tree fell down in front of my house and it was raining cats and dogs, in addition, my house was nearly flooded.

Without further delay, me and my sister took an umbrella and tended to walk to the puppies' nest, hoping that the 5 cuties would be okay... We managed to find 4 puppies in a short while with the aid of our torchlight. And still remaining the youngest one, we couldn't find it anywhere. My sister was about to give up to seek for it but I kept on running here and there around their nest... hoping that it would be alright.

Finally, god really blessed us a lot and I was able to find the youngest puppy under a small plant. It was shivering cold and if I gave up to seek for it just now, I think it would most probably be flooded by the water around it... Thanks God..

After all were being settled down, it was nearly 3am... Gosh, the rain was still carrying on.. I was extremely exhausted after the rescue action.

Guess what, during morning.. I was bothered by the conversation between my sister and my neighbours. Slightly, I could hear that most of the houses' in Guar Chempedak were damaged by this typhoon. Can't imagine how severe is that? Scroll down to view the photos...

Basically my neighbour's roof was collapsed by the big wind. And further going out to my town, Tenaga Nasional Berhad was damaged badly too, which resulted it couldn't operate like usual...

Phew, scary one... I personally experienced the power of natural disaster... It was really really terrifying and powerful.... Amitabha...

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