Sunday, March 20, 2011

End of the journey Sequel

And so I got my convocantion photo, thank to my all time buddy for helping me to claim it from the photoshop. Appreciate that.

Well, paid for RM300 and got 5 or 6 photos, one of them is totally horrible because the ang mo was closing his eyes meanwhile I smiled like I won 4D.. haha.

I suppose it would be the last convo of mine, well to be more corrective, it was my third convo and I'm kinda bored of the feeling already...


Think of further enhancing myself by taking professional papers... erm, I know it's going to be a tough path but still I want to challenge regardless it, but also myself. IBBM Papers, I'm on with you!

(Unforseen circumstance occured when I was about to click "Publish Post", LOL, my housemate used a spoilt iron and caused the whole house blacked out moment ago... )

Good day to all of you!


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