Friday, February 26, 2010

Once upon a time

Again, I got this inspiration when I was passing my motion in Fitness First toilet... and really, recalling it back, it made me laugh myself whilst I was putting my effort to "make" my chocolate cake... :D

Alright, a quick one...Back in 3 years ago, when I was still working in OCBC Bank.

I remember that day our department had a "makan-makan" session and it delayed our office hours which we for sure had to work over-time.

Well, none of us was daring to claim our over-time since we were just treated by the Head of Department. But then, someone... I had no idea whether she had a mentally disorder or.... she was desperate to earn extra income... She tried to claim the so-called "over-time".

In general, we had to fill in the purpose of working for over-time in the OT form. And guess what, this fellow really stunned me... There, how she filled in her OT form:

Purpose of OT: Makan-makan session from 5pm to 6.30pm, total OT hours: 1.5

*Stunned*, I'm wondering... treating her to eat was also part of her job scope?

Therefore, I was so evil enough until I reported this to my supervisor... Hehe, yeah I really hate her.. in a way of her attitude.. *Blek*

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