Sunday, September 13, 2009

What comes true?

Had a bad dream during my napping time just now...

Well, the dream's content:

"My dad was fetching me and my mum to go somewhere by using his new car, aka Bajelo. What surpised me when I turned back my head, I saw my mum was keeping her eyes on two kids. My mum told me, they are my so-called 'new younger brothers' whom belonged to 'another lady'.

Well, suddenly all seemed to be clear and understandable...'She' was trying to grab 'something' from us! But seeing the two new fellas, they are cute and calling my 'gor gor'....owh, they were cute~"

That's it, my bad dream....I truly hope that it won't be happening! Called my mum and reported all these to her...She was also stunned by my narration. Eventually, she said: "CHOI~" to chase away all sorts of these ridiculous scene.

Well well, I reckon I'm in big pressure currently until I've dreamt of bad stuffs! Shh shh! Go away!


jenny said...

u too tension alr la!!
dream this kind of things~
sure choi la!!

JiN said... wont be happened! *touch wood*