Basically, my primary school would held a singing competition annually. And started from standard 1, I was chosen by my musical teacher to take part in that. And from standard 1 I won won won won won won until standard 6....Aishehhhh, action loh! To further on, we competed between classes...categorised into lower category (standard 1 VS 2), middle category (standard 3 VS 4) and upper category (standard 5 VS 6).
But the one that I'm proud of myself was that I was chosen to represent my school to join state's singing competition. Well, although I wasn't the top 3 but still I won the top 10.....among 50++ contestants... Aishehhhhh~
But however, that was about 11 years ago~~Now? Haha, voice like duckie....hands shiver when stand on the stage.....Good hor, kid version of Ong Chin Han is more capable than old version of Ong Chin Han...Haha!
action lar u...
call u go join ASQ tak mahu....haha
Oh yeah, havent sing oredi kena pep pip keluar looo
better than no go~~
u barbie lo, sia sui only
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