Saturday, March 28, 2009


I don't know why, suddenly suffered from migraine early in this morning. Early in this morning?! What is the time now? Yeaaa, 5.36 in the morning...and I woke up at 4.45am...weeee, shall I give myself a big clap?

What's the reason behind it? Hmmm, I think I know but intended not to tell...keke...but the main reason is because my mind started to think useless stuffs again. No idea seriously, might be I'm extremely free recently and my mind is too free to think any other else instead of something that is meaningful to think about. Well, no idea what I'm crapping... xP

Lately I'm not in extreme-good mood....might because of being emptied promises by an agent few days ago. Alright, frankly speaking, I really mind of it...and also I'm quite sensitive of it as well. Picture this, if an agent asked you to work for a freelance job but finally she ended up to tell you that she has already selected other candidate to work for it. How hurt and shameful was that? That's still okay, because maybe I'm not handsome or having some sort of "quality" on my outlook...Then, she offered me another freelance job, I thought I was lucky enough...although I couldn't get the first job but still I could work for the second one..not bad what.. But guess what, my life was kinda dramatic...once again, I was informed that I didn't have to work for it...due to the event has been cancelled. Can you imagine how lucky am I now? Lossed the opportunities to grab 1.1k-pay event, as well as a RM360-pay event......

Thanks to Choong to tease me again....neh neh~ I know I'm not in good luck recently, not like someone who tends to be happy-go-lucky one...without doing revision, also could pass in his examination~ Oops, did I say someone's name? Nahhhh~ you're not the one huh, don't get it wrongly ya! Had a chit-chat with Moon recently, she knew my situation....she laughed at me at first but later on she asked me to go for a some flowers and wash away all my bad luck...Haha, perhaps it works? But really la, although I'm not in good luck, but still I'm not in extremely bad Moon, thanks for your concern ya!

So what do I do for these few days besides going for gym? Yup, stayed in my room - facing my computer screen, playing PSP and also, singing all the time...Wow, I love to sing cantonese songs recently....maybe it's the time to improve my Cantonese speaking precisely. Hey, seriously as compared with last time when I just stepped in Kuala Lumpur, my Cantonese is improving alot now! I couldn't even speak a complete sentence of Cantonese back in 4 years lame was I~~

Alright, I guess I have nothing to write already and perhaps I should stop now. But no idea, my fingers keep on typing without reason. LOL, I'm kinda nut ya! Planning how to spend my "lovely" Sunday....well, going to sleep again later on and wake up to plan again gua~~~ Might be going for gym again....better than doing nothing mah, right? Hope later someone call me to work for event...wuwu, I'm extremely free now laaaaa!

1 comment:

MicHeLLe said...

haha u miss me till migraine ??

anyway take k...